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Welcome Aboard the Scrawny Pirate Ship

The Scrawny Pirate Ship is going to take you on an adventure to discover buried project treasure. The ship will be guided by a play book that shares lesson nuggets and the best practices to enable your project crew to turn waste into gold.

How big is this treasure, you ask? That is the exciting part of this adventure! The building industry is a leaky boat wasting $500 billion dollars every year. This sounds like a ridiculously large treasure, just waiting to be converted into profit. All it takes is a map, a playbook, and a cast of characters seeking adventure.

There will only be a few willing to jump on board for this Lean adventure, because who really cares about Lean? What battles need to be won to bring about significant change in a broken building industry? What type of leadership? What type of systems? What type of crew? We need to explore this in more detail.

For me, a brilliant light came on while delivering a broken project. I had an AHA moment and discovered a better way, the Scrawny (Lean) Pirate Way. The light was bright enough to motivate me to invest the 10,000 hours needed to achieve some level of scrawny mastery, while successfully delivering 10+ projects. Fortunately, I like to write and am willing to share the lessons I learned, in the hope that you will be one of those taking the leap into Scrawny Project Delivery.

A bit of warning: that reward comes with risk of sailing in a sea of naysayers and traditionalists that make their livings off the 25% inefficiency tax placed on most projects. Be prepared to have a tea party, mates! To leverage the lessons learned in this playbook, you may need to turn your thinking and leadership style upside down. It will also take living by a new set of rules, and putting your X on the Pirate Ship Manifesto.

If you are interested in "Scrawny Pirate's Project Playbook" articles and a copy of the book ... SIGN UP HERE

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