Average PEOPLE with brilliant SYSTEMS can deliver exceptional RESULTS
Without leadership we will not enact the changes needed to transform the way we work. It also takes a special type of client that is willing to explore new ways of doing business using systems that that have been proven to deliver exceptional results.
In "Leadership for Rapid Change" we learn that we need to turn management on it's head and get the people doing the work, plan and execute the work using systems that drastically improve efficiency and get work to flow. We also need to learn how to embrace failure as this is how we learn to continually improve the process.
Next we need to find the type of leaders that are willing to enact the type of change needed to transform an industry that is broken. This takes a special kind of person called an Explorer. They can be hard to find. In "Exploring ways to Create a NetZero Building Industry" we learn that only 12% of the population have the attributes needed to enact the Big Wins needed for long-term impact. You are going to have to find these types of people if you are going to be successful in selling lean construction as the new way of doing business in the building industry.
The main Lean Project Delivery (LPD) systems are Target Value Delivery and the Last Planner System. In "Hitting the Target with Lean Design" we learn how to deliver designs that provide more value at 18% less cost. Adopting the Last Planner System enables teams to "Get to the Finish Line Early"