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A Pirate's Life

I love the imagery and lore associated with the life of Pirates. The idea of finding booty around the next corner is also very exciting. Although pirates are not known for their ‘good behavior’, they are explorers willing to take a bullet or knife to get from rags to riches, for a better life.

Something I recently learned about pirate ship management is that they used a democratic form of leadership. The Captain of the ship did not call the shots on discipline or where to set sail for that next treasure, it was decided by all of the mates!

Lean Project Delivery is similar, as it is the sailors manning the ship that help plan and set the sails, looking for that next treasure!

If this journey is something that excites you, hop on board, sign the Scrawny Pirate Manifesto and then we will go looking for buried treasure.

The Scrawny Project Manifesto

The crew hereby agree to be scrawny in the outfitting of this ship, as the battle is won with speed and agility, not by the wasteful ways of the Man-o-Wars that enlist men for the lowest possible wages.

Pirate Rules are different in that everyone on the crew has an Aye or a Nay in setting the course for successful production of the bounty, that will contribute greatly to funding the wine, dance and song that will be in abundance at the early completion of this adventure.

Our reward will be fair shares of the bounty we pluck from waste and create with speed as a seafaring crew.

As such, I do solemnly declare that we the Scrawny crew have an accord on the expected behavior, and the speed of implementation that will lead to treasure chests of bounty to be shared equitably with the crew.

I, X , hereby vow to adhere to pirate rules, and to perform with questionable behavior, to pillage and plunder the treasure to be found in modern day projects.

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