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WHY we need to FIX the Building Industry

Customers will first buy WHY you are in business. In the building industry customers are looking for VALUE that our industry fails to deliver on most projects due to inefficiency and bad behavior.

With the right team everyone wins. The Owner gets better VALUE! The Team benefits from higher PROFIT margins! The Planet wins with much higher levels of sustainable PERFORMANCE!

WHY Not adopt a more collaborative and productive approach like Toyota that has enabled them to become 3X more profitable than their closest competitor?

There is evidence that our industry is inefficient and that productivity has been declining. In the Book Broken Buildings Busted Budgets we learn that this inefficiency costs the North American Building Industry, $500 Billion per year. When there is waste there is also opportunity for companies to take advantage through innovation, integration and the adoption of new processes.

In our case study projects, we explore how lean can be applied to any type of project to fix broken budgets or to take a new project to much higher levels of performance. With lean practices we can deliver exceptional value at less cost, with less stress and with much smaller contingencies. Where there is waste, there is also opportunity to achieve much higher levels of performance. The Lean Construction Institute (LCI) has developed a system that enables TEAMS to deliver project with 200% improvements in productivity, 40% reductions in capital cost and 30% reductions in operating costs. In a survey conducted by AIA, the top five reasons building owners are adopting Lean Project Delivery (LPD) are: 1) Market advantage as industry leaders 2) Managing cost predictability 3) Schedule predictability 4) Reducing or managing risk 5) A higher degree of technical complexity is feasible

With government and business leaders motivated to improve productivity and address climate change, LPD is a solution that does both. Industry leaders are able to deliver buildings that have #NetZeroEnergy use at no additional cost as demonstrated on NetZeroEnergy projects like EcoSmart Prefab Green home, Okanagan College and the Mosaic Center.

If you are interested in becoming a leader in the Lean Construction market consider joining the Lean Construction Institute - Canada or arrange for a workshop or training at Lean Lab.

Murray Guy aka @Lean_tobe_Green |

Integrated Designs | EcoSmart | Lean Lab

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