Back to the Future Homes | EcoSmart
At EcoSmart we build NOT SO BIG affordable #NetZeroEnergy high performance homes. Our homes of the future are sustainable and provide a...

Murray the "Net Zero GUY"
Building the FUTURE One day two Donkeys from Maui, stopped Murray and requested that he stop having so dam much fun wave sailing and do...

WHY Not NetZero ... We Did!
EcoSmart Prefab GREEN Net 0 Targeted Duplex 1602 Edward Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Our goal for this project was to demonstrate that...

Passive House Performance on a Beer Budget
Blue Heron Haus - Net 0 Targeted Home for Kent & Darcy Earle For this passive solar design the goal was to deliver an affordable simple...

Be COOL with Realistic Comfort Expectations!
Back in the olden days people would dress for the weather, put another log on the fire or head to the beach to deal with extreme weather...

Barriers to High-Performance Building
Barriers to High-Performance Buildings The journey to develop a Green building industry needs to start with a good understanding of the...

Rob Dumont's High Performance Home Recipe
Rob Dumont was a building scientist who was a friend and a pioneer in high performance home building. Rob loved simple practical high...