Delivering successful projects is easy when you have a
Great Team!

Taylor Guy is a hard working high energy BUILDER that knows how to "Get Projects Done". I also like unique quality designs that are beautiful.
My strengths are:
Communicate so everyone is on the same page
Collaborate to get best value
Work hard , It just feels good!
Murray Guy is an ENGINEER that is passionate about "High Performance Buildings" and is on a mission to demonstrate that with lean and more integrated practices we can build affordable NetZero homes.
My Strengths are:
A leader in creating value using Lean Project Delivery
Knowledge of high performance building design
Committed to protecting the environment for future generations

Joanne Guy is the MANAGER that keeps our family business viable by "Taking Care of Business" to run a development company.
My Strengths are:
Organized and knowledgeable about running a construction company
Being there for the Team when they need someone to listen too
Taking care of business details. Someone needs to do it!
Orishia Benovelli is an awesome Real Estate Agent that takes care of "Buying and Selling" EcoSmart properties. Orishia also owns Studio Styles the painting company we use for our projects.
My Strengths are:
Know a Great Deal when I see it
Committed to helping my business partners succeed
Adding that special touch to the Interior Design!

We still consider Rob Dumont part of the team, he devoted his life work to building Factor 10 homes. That is 10x less energy ... we use his recipe! This is an award we gave him for retirement "Insulation is more important than Imagination".
Aaron from Lexis Plumbing is awesome. Highly recommended!