Why Energy Self-sufficiency is key for a Sustainable Future!
In the article "Heat Pumps for Peace and Freedom" the author outlines an efficiency strategy to drastically reduce Europe's dependency on...

An Arctic Parka or a Jean Jacket, for your Next Home
Just imagine heading out into the extreme cold we just experienced this week with a wind chill of -47 DGC in just a Jean Jacket with no...

The Cost of Sprawl
The article "City's Expanding FootPrint has a Cost" really drives home the importance of of learning to live with a smaller footprint. ...

The Future is Smaller Location Efficient Homes
Large detached houses in car centric communities that at one time typified the Canadian dream, are losing followers to households seeking...

Downsize to Live Well with Less
I just discovered a new magazine Downsize with the theme "Live Well with Less". As a high performance builder striving to build NetZero...

The #EcoSmart #NetZero Home Building Recipe
In this presentation we share the EcoSmart Recipe for #NetZero homes. We also share the results and paybacks for adding PV Panels....

What is a NetZero Ready Home?
EcoSmart specializes in building economical NetZero Ready homes. This is achieved by optimizing the design for operating and...

Bon Voyage 1601 Edward Ave, Welcome "the Arnold" house
It is with mixed feelings that we send off 1601 Edward Avenue to repurposed as a new home or cabin. The Guy family has lived in view of...

2 Snowboard Dudes, 2 Unique Homes
One day two snowboard dudes Taylor Guy & James McCulloch decided to purchase a lot and build homes side by side. They designed and built...

What's next for the EcoSmart home builder?
As EcoSmart begins it's sixth year of operation we are very optimistic that our future in Saskatchewan will be bright. The City of...